A - Attend to your duties regularly and sincerely.
B - Be honest.
C - Consider well before taking any decision.
D - Do your duty towards your nation.
E - Everyday, do remember God.
F - Fight the battle of life bravely and boldly.
G - God is supreme, don't forget in prosperity.
H - Health is wealth to be kept and never to part with.
I - Idleness is the root of all evil.
J - Judge everything according to its merits.
K - Keep your mind off evil thoughts.
L - Love your neighbor as yourself.
M - Make yourself complete and a good citizen.
N - Never gamble in any way.
O - Obstacles are to be taken as a challenge.
P - Politeness should be made the essence of life.
Q - Question not the existence of God, whatever your religion may be.
R - Riches have wings don't run after them.
S - Slow and steady wins the race.
T - Truth fears no test.
U - Use your leisure time fruitfully for future as it depends on how time is used.
V - Vanity is a possession of shallow minds.
W - Where there is a will there is a way.
X - X press your friendship towards all casts and creeds.
Y - Yield not to evil through but to positive thinking.
Z - Zealous labor for the right and noble cause lasting happiness.