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Thursday 17 October 2013


    Apple Mac Book Pro 13 with Retina Display


This new 13" in Macbook Pro lowers the price of owning a Retina Display laptop, while still squeezing almost as many pixels into that's lighter and easier to carry than its 15" brother.
The stunning 2560 x 1600 display is arguably a more useful size than that of the 15" model, and although the larger model retains its title of highest-resolution laptop display (at 2880 x 1800), the 13" steals the pixels-per-inch prize with 227 ppi (compared with the 15" model's 220ppi ). 
 The experience of typing or reading long articles now become a wonderful massage for your eyes. Everything from high resolution photos to icons to notifications are mesmerizing, with vibrant colours that put previous Mac Books to shame.


Like the Mac Book Air, the 13" Retina Mac Book Pro has no optical drive. While this may be a pain from time to time, leaving out the drive has enabled Apple to craft a beautiful, sleek design that should be enough compensation the next time you need to insert an installation disc.
Otherwise, there's no radical overhaul to Mac Book styling. The sexy aluminium body is still present and correct, albeit slimmer (19mm) and lighter (1.6kg). While other manufacturers go for light and skinny from the off, Apple has always won the build battle by making something desirable first, and then concentrating on making it smaller and lighter. It's a tactic that seems to be working again.
The keyboard and track pad are as subtly responsive and easy to use as ever - attributes not to be sniffed at when so many Ultra books get it so horribly wrong.
Your new Mac Book can deal with the world around it via two Thunderbolt ports, two USB 3.0 ports, an HDMI output, an SD card reader and Bluetooth 4.0. However, there's no Ethernet socket - another occasional annoyance, particularly while travelling.


It may not be as portable as a Mac-book Air, but with a 2.5GHz dual core i5 running the show, the 13" Retina has been built to be the only laptop you'll ever need. 
It may not be able to match the sheer horsepower of the 15" models (thanks to their quad-core Core i7 chips and NVIDIA Ge force 650M graphics) , but the 13" pro is still very impressive. You won't ever see the spinning-wheel-of-death, even when editing 1080p videos or playing Portal 2 at 2560 x 1660 (don't panic when the setting menu text becomes very, very small).
The new 13" Pro is available with 128GB and 256GB (flash) storage options, the latter will costing an extra 250 pounds.
Just don't expect to be able to open up the Retina Display Mac-book Pro and slot in your own SSD.
If you're serious about playing Mac games in ultra-hi-res at speedy frame-rates  or spending a good chunk of your life editing massive video files, we'd guide you toward the 15" version. But for rest of us, the 13" size is more practical for on-the-go computing.


In common with its 15" brother, the Retina Display Mac Book Pro is not the longest-lasting of laptops away from a wall socket.
Battery life is slightly over 15". Apple claims around seven hours, but we found we could run for up to four-a-half hours of constant web surfing,image editing, gaming and watching movies between charges. 
With all those pixels to push around that amazing display, that kind of battery performance is hardly a big surprise. Just make sure that newly redesigned Mag Safe power connector is never too far from reach.

                         MANINDER SINGH DHALL


A - Attend to your duties regularly and sincerely.

B - Be honest.

C - Consider well before taking any decision.

D - Do your duty towards your nation.

E - Everyday, do remember God.

F - Fight the battle of life bravely and boldly.

G - God is supreme, don't forget in prosperity.

H - Health is wealth to be kept and never to part with.

I - Idleness is the root of all evil.

J - Judge everything according to its merits.

K - Keep your mind off evil thoughts.

L - Love your neighbor as yourself.

M - Make yourself complete and a good citizen.

N - Never gamble in any way.

O - Obstacles are to be taken as a challenge.

P - Politeness should be made the essence of life.

Q - Question not the existence of God, whatever your religion may be.

R - Riches have wings don't run after them.

S - Slow and steady wins the race.

T - Truth fears no test.

U - Use your leisure time fruitfully for future as it depends on how time is used.

V - Vanity is a possession of shallow minds.

W - Where there is a will there is a way.

X - X press your friendship towards all casts and creeds.

Y - Yield not to evil through but to positive thinking.

Z - Zealous labor for the right and noble cause lasting happiness.