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Tuesday 15 October 2013


Drug abuse, the way to slow death or self torture, it is the most dreadful problem of today's world. The tendency of intoxication increasing among the country's youth. The viscious  circle of drug addiction is spreading all around the world.

Drug abuse has become a fashion as a trend. But once you dare venture near the venomous drugs, you are a victim and eventually an addict even before one knows. Youth first takes drugs for the fun of it and then fails a pathetic victims to the overpowering , irresistible habit. Ignorance and negligence on the part of parents towards their children, play a vital role in misleading the children. They consider as being devoid of charm, desire. This leads to frustration and mental and psychological disturbance.

The mental growth stops and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong is lost. In such a state youth falls helpless victims to the drug habit as a result of persuasion by fellow addicts. The people are under a general illusion that drugs would help them to forget their grievances but it only adds to their problems. Drugs are also taken to increase their learning power while sports personalities takes drugs too increase, muscular strength and stamina which again is like leaping into a pit which has no ways.

The victim becomes an addict when the drug assumes command at the body and should, this is a carving need for the thing when it is not available and a deep agony prevails. The addict has to face their consequence in-spite of tyranny of drugs, people easily fall trey to the killer intoxicants and a tryst is made with doom. In justly source result are realised and much later when little can be done to help. A drug addict is like a parasite contaminating the society. Due to drugs person loose vigour  duty fullness  cheerfulness and courage.He becomes ignorant of the world around him. He is a blot to the society.   

Positive and stronger measures are needed to fight the increasing epidemic of intoxication. There should be strict supervision of the youth by parents and guardians, to prevent them from falling prey to bad company. Measure should be taken to check the sources of supply to various contraband's like - L.S.D, marijuana, cocaine etc. The gout's anti drug policy should be flawless. Government should be harsh toward drugs trafficking gangs and opium smugglers. Various de-addictions centers should be opened where addicts should be kept under medical care and the atmosphere should be hospitable and warm. 

Society should not refrain from being associated with curl addicts which may result in their taking to drugs again as a last resort.

People should learn to disdain this habit due to its devastating nature. So we must remember---


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