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Tuesday 8 October 2013


One day, Stevie Wonder (the blind singer), came to Toronto to perform. He was taken to his hotel room. He decided to take a nap but didn't like the sheets, he wanted silk sheets. Rather than bother the hotel staff, he decided to go buy some himself.
He asked his personal manager if there was a store nearby where he could buy silk sheets. The manager replied, "Yes, there is a big departmental store. It is called, Canadian Tire. I can go buy you some."
Stevie Wonder didn't want to bother his manager.He said, "just take me there, I can get them. I want right kind."
So the manager took Stevie Wonder to the car and they drove to Canadian Tire. Upon arriving, Stevie Wonder got out of his car and his manager tried to help him. Stevie Wonder said, "Let me go alone, I can do it by myself."
Stevie Wonder went into the departmental store and went to the back. All the staff was looking at him, whispering and pointing. "Oh my god! It is Stevie Wonder!"
Stevie Wonder was feeling around things were crashing to the floor, everything was falling everywhere as he searched. The store manager went to his employees and said, "Someone quick, go help Mr. Wonder!"
A young teenager said, "I will". He went back to the store where Stevie Wonder was busy crashing things on the floor and searching blindly. The young clerk tapped Stevie Wonder on the shoulder and asked, "May I help you Mr. Wonder?"
Stevie Wonder turned around, shook his head and said,

                                                       "NO, I'M JUST LOOKING"

                                                                                                                            Maninder Singh