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Wednesday 9 October 2013


It was a very hot summer day in the month of June. The Sun was shining at its fullest, and it was a very hot day. Two travellers were going on together along a very dusty road and found no trees along its sides, as they found no shelter they were feeling very hot. After travelling long distance they saw a big tree that was full of leaves and it's branches were spread like an umbrella, they rushed toward the tree to get shelter as it was a very hot day.  
After taking shelter they placed their belongings on the ground and sat in the cool thick shade of the tree so as to rest from the emerging heat of the Sun. After taking rest for an hour , one traveller said to the other , "What a useless tree it is! It bears no fruits at all."
Hearing this, the tree felt pinched and burst out, "You ungrateful people! On one hand, you are taking shelter under my cool shade from the burning heat of the sun which i am bearing on myself(tree) and on the other hand, you are calling me useless after taking rest under me. Tree said in anger to the travellers get up and leave this place immediately to be scorched again." And then you will know what i am capable of and what nature has provided to you which you don't understand at all.

MORAL : We should always be greatful for nature's blessing to us