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Saturday 5 October 2013


A woman needed to buy her mother a birthday present. She didn't know what to buy her mother. She only had one day to buy her mother something.

So she went out window shopping. Soon enough, she walked by a pet store window. She thought to herself, "What a lovely idea for a present! My mother is so lonely and she needs a pet."

The woman went into the store and saw many wonderful animals. Puppy dogs, fluffy cats, gold fish, cute mice. But the woman didn't think these were special enough. She asked the manager if he had a pet that was really special. The manager thought for a moment and replied. "Yes, but it costs a lot of money. $5,000"
"I have a parrot that can speak 7 languages, Chinese, English, French, Korean, German, Russian and even Hindi!"

The woman said, "Perfect" and bought the bird. She sent it by special delivery to her mother, so she would get it the next day.The next day after work, the woman called her mother, "How do you like your birthday present."

Her mother replied, "Thank you, IT'S DELICIOUS!"

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