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Sunday 13 October 2013


Once there was a man who took a ride in an Aeroplane. 
UNFORTUNATELY, he fell out of the plane,
FORTUNATELY, he was wearing a parachute,
UNFORTUNATELY, the parachute was not properly packed it did not open,
FORTUNATELY, there was a haystack in the field below,
UNFORTUNATELY, there was a sharp pitched fork striking straight up in the haystack,
FORTUNATELY, the man missed the pitch fork,
UNFORTUNATELY, he also missed the haystack. 



                              "Never depend on single income. Make investment to create a second source"

                                                                    ON SPENDING

                               "If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need"

                                                                   ON SAVING
                              "Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving"

                                                                   ON TAKING RISK

                                                      "Never test the depth of river with both feet"

                                                                   ON INVESTMENT

                                                             "Do not put all eggs in one basket" 

                                                                   ON EXPECTATIONS

                                  "Honesty is very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people".


Many years ago dinosaurs were the largest creature on the earth. Some dinosaurs were very large and other dinosaurs are small. They also came in many different colors. There was a valley behind the fiery mountains in which dinosaurs spent the day.

In sunny day the dinosaurs were playing a game of soccer. A new dinosaur that the other dinosaurs had not seen before came walking by. He stopped and watched and then he asked the other dinosaurs, "Could I Play Too?"

All the other dinosaurs looked at him. In one giant voice together they said "NO!"

They say "NO" to him because in looked different than the others. He had a long neck and he was green. None of them  had ever heard of or seen a long necked, green dinosaurs.

The new dinosaurs was very sad because everyone said no to him and they even called him "Greeny". his feelings were hurt. Slowly he sat down and sadly watched the others play.

Time went by and suddenly they all stopped playing soccer and they all looked up. One of the dinosaurs had kicked their only ball into a tree. the ball was too high for them to reach.

But it was not too high for the long necked, green dinosaurs. He walked over and said to the other dinosaurs. "If I can get your ball down will you let me play with you?" The other dinosaurs decided that it was a good idea. The Long necked, green dinosaur reached up with his long neck and easily got the ball down.

Once again they began playing again. They had a great time playing soccer. The other dinosaurs said they were sorry for not letting him play with them and calling him names.

They had all learned a lesson that day. Even though others may look different we should accept them. We all have something special about us.

The lonely dinosaurs now had many friends and they played in the valley for many more years.

Saturday 12 October 2013


One day while my friend and I were travelling through France, we were very hungry but we didn't have a lot of money to buy costly food for our self. We decided to find something cheap to eat and we decided to stop at a village market to get a few groceries. I chose some cookies and went to the front counter to pay. Near the counter I saw some packaged cookies in a large amounts in a bin. They looked good and were a lot cheaper than I had in my hand, so I decided to took them instead so that we can buy more food from the money left with us. 

We left the store after buying and looked for a place where we could sit comfortably and eat the cookies. We found a quiet place under a tree and ate our sandwiches first,  and then the cookies. We thought that cookies looked great when we purchased and were also delicious in eating. They both decided to go at that cookies shop and purchase cookies as they were cheap and had a great taste.

My friend knew some French and was able to read a little bit French, but I can't ,so I gave her the package so she could look for the brand name who has made these cookies that were so delicious.
She looked at it and then started to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

She said "Because they're dog biscuits!" she said. 

Friday 11 October 2013





                                                        Life is a Challenge                                                    
                          meet it,

Life is a Struggle
                         fight it,

Life is a Problem
                        solve it,

Life is a Battle
                      accept it,

Life is a Burden
                      carry it,

Life is a Tragedy
                      face it,

Life is a Duty
                    perform it,

Life is a Game
                   play it,

Life is a Mystery
                     unfold it,

Life is a Song
                 sing it,

Life is a Bless
                 take it,

Life is a Dream
                                                       realize it,                                       

Life is Journey
                   complete it,

Life is Promise
                   fulfill it,

Life is a Love
                   enjoy it,

Life is a Beauty
                    praise it,

Life is an Advantage
                     do it,

Life is an Opportunity
                         avail it,


Thursday 10 October 2013


It is a story about a man who was doing job in bank and shared his experiences about his job. Mr.Mark started his job in the bank and was afraid of his job, as the bank was in the city center and had a big client-age. When Mr. Mark started his job in a bank in the center of the city, he was afraid of many things. Either he was behind bulletproof glass , but still the alarm buttons reminded him about the thieves that some would come to the bank and rob him. In the bank there were secret security codes that were changed everyday for security purposes, and there was an automatic alarm that rang when the last money came out of Mr. Mark drawer.
One day in the morning Mr. Mark was watching the crowded bank and found one man suspiciously entering the bank. He walked by the tellers to come to his cabin. Mr. Mark thought about his bank experience as he was a fresher and did not know much about the banking and types of people that came in the bank. The man he was watching stepped further and put his hand in the pocket, and pulled out a note from his pocket, and put it under the teller window. Mr. Mark was very scared, dropped down under the counter of his own, and felt so scared that Mr. Mark hit the alarm button.In just few seconds all the security got alerted and guard came there where that man was standing in front of Mr. Mark, and security guards held the man. Then Mr. Mark read the note. In the note there was written , "Would you have lunch with me?" 

Wednesday 9 October 2013


It was a very hot summer day in the month of June. The Sun was shining at its fullest, and it was a very hot day. Two travellers were going on together along a very dusty road and found no trees along its sides, as they found no shelter they were feeling very hot. After travelling long distance they saw a big tree that was full of leaves and it's branches were spread like an umbrella, they rushed toward the tree to get shelter as it was a very hot day.  
After taking shelter they placed their belongings on the ground and sat in the cool thick shade of the tree so as to rest from the emerging heat of the Sun. After taking rest for an hour , one traveller said to the other , "What a useless tree it is! It bears no fruits at all."
Hearing this, the tree felt pinched and burst out, "You ungrateful people! On one hand, you are taking shelter under my cool shade from the burning heat of the sun which i am bearing on myself(tree) and on the other hand, you are calling me useless after taking rest under me. Tree said in anger to the travellers get up and leave this place immediately to be scorched again." And then you will know what i am capable of and what nature has provided to you which you don't understand at all.

MORAL : We should always be greatful for nature's blessing to us

Tuesday 8 October 2013


One day, Stevie Wonder (the blind singer), came to Toronto to perform. He was taken to his hotel room. He decided to take a nap but didn't like the sheets, he wanted silk sheets. Rather than bother the hotel staff, he decided to go buy some himself.
He asked his personal manager if there was a store nearby where he could buy silk sheets. The manager replied, "Yes, there is a big departmental store. It is called, Canadian Tire. I can go buy you some."
Stevie Wonder didn't want to bother his manager.He said, "just take me there, I can get them. I want right kind."
So the manager took Stevie Wonder to the car and they drove to Canadian Tire. Upon arriving, Stevie Wonder got out of his car and his manager tried to help him. Stevie Wonder said, "Let me go alone, I can do it by myself."
Stevie Wonder went into the departmental store and went to the back. All the staff was looking at him, whispering and pointing. "Oh my god! It is Stevie Wonder!"
Stevie Wonder was feeling around things were crashing to the floor, everything was falling everywhere as he searched. The store manager went to his employees and said, "Someone quick, go help Mr. Wonder!"
A young teenager said, "I will". He went back to the store where Stevie Wonder was busy crashing things on the floor and searching blindly. The young clerk tapped Stevie Wonder on the shoulder and asked, "May I help you Mr. Wonder?"
Stevie Wonder turned around, shook his head and said,

                                                       "NO, I'M JUST LOOKING"

                                                                                                                            Maninder Singh  

Monday 7 October 2013


Dear miss (triangle)
                    Yesterday I received a circular card from your son, parallelogram. How is aunt trapezium. You will be glad to know that my younger brother cylinder is getting married to Miss Quadrilateral : so you are cordially invited for the dinner on 9+2-5+5=11 of December 10+9=19, 1900-100+213=2013.

I hope you will come and bring along with you Parallelogram, Rhombus and Aunt. Trapezium and her children point, line and diameter. We have invited Hexagonal band. You must have heard of it Mr. Pentagon is our special guest. Don't forget to come. 

                                             RADIUS AND RECTANGLE